Did we invent math or did we discover it?

2 min readNov 13, 2020

To answer to this question, we need to answer a few questions before. What is math? We could say mathematics, is a methodology which help us do from simplest calculations up to most complex ones. We could use this methodology in absolutely everything which involve a calculation. Mathematics can be likened to a “language”. We invented the language, a language, but all he did was to help us understand and use something which existed there since ever: communication. We cannot say we invented the communication; she exists since ever. However, we could say we invented the language which help each us to understand each other easier. In this case, we could say math, is the language which help us to understand the numbers, respectively how to do the calculations or use those numbers. Calculations, sums, elements, they existed there since ever, we just invented the language and that is mathematics.

Using it, we can understand the numbers, sums, we can use it in simple operations, calculations or we could use it to identify a rhythm and later on creating a rhythm in the musical field — there is a saying: “music is mathematics”. Well this is the reason.

Computers are based on mathematics calculations, we are using math even in the kitchen (add 100 grams of tomatoes, etc). Economics are based on math, complex calculations, additions, decreases, multiple, etc.




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