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What causes some people to be emotionally obsessed with others?
When we refer to an obsession, we call it like that because the person you are obsessed with no longer has any emotional connection with you. If she still had, then it would be called a relationship and we would link that emotional obsession to a crazy love affair. In conclusion we can say that the emotional obsession is unidirectional (it has a direction only from you)
To find the answer to this question we need to understand a little about what kind of emotional obsession it is. Although the term used is emotional obsession, it is the emotion behind it that makes the difference between obsessions.
Guilt Obsession — This type of obsession occurs when from an overloaded consciousness. Specifically, you had something with a certain person and you hurt him/her a lot. Although you do not admit this, your subconscious does, as a result you feel guilty and you cannot get your person out of your mind until you feel that you have made up for it.
The obsession with “sexual attraction” — usually this obsession occurs when you had a person you were very attracted to, it made you feel in bed like no one else, but otherwise that was the only thing that would bind to him/her. Usually you only have one such person and it means that you have anchored yourself to her. Specifically, you will compare…